(October 12, 2020) The Aga Khan Museum is the first Western museum devoted to Islamic art. Traditionally, museums in the West have acted as storehouses and shrines to European Christian values, with other cultures and faiths represented in specialist galleries, if at all. And yet, most Westerners are not aware that European culture in the last millennium would not have been possible without the cultural juggernaut emanating from the Islamic world. At the Aga Khan Museum, you’ll find Chrysalis and Sanctuary, two current exhibits on display until October 25. On November 7th, a new exhibition, Remastered, arrives. This remarkably innovative exhibit uses 3-D hologram technology, animation, and digital restoration to display the lush world of Islamic manuscript painting in a way that has never before been possible, with works chosen to reflect themes of Courage, Love, and Exemplary Living. Find out more at https://agakhanmuseum.org/exhibitions/remastered.
All photos courtesy of the Aga Khan Museum.

(Photo credit Toni Hafkenscheid)

(Photo credit Janet Kimber)

(Photo credit Toni Hafkenscheid)

(Photo credit Janet Kimber)

(Photo credit Toni Hakfenscheid)

(Photo credit Toni Hakfenscheid)

Feature Photo

(Photo credit Olga Stefatou)
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