(February 19, 2022) At the end of January, The Charity Report’s contributing editor Kathleen Adamson, decided to go to a right wing protest, ostensibly anti-vax protests that have been happening on a weekly basis in Montreal and attended by an increasing mix of white supremacist, right wing extremist, anti-government protesters. She writes about her experience for The Charity Report.
On January 29, convoys of cars and trucks flooded into Ottawa in the highest profile ring wing protest in Canada’s history. Benjamin Dichter, also known as BJ Dichter, is a truck driver and podcaster who describes himself as vice-president of the Ottawa convoy. He says the goal of the protest is to end all vaccine mandates and passports within Canada. Its other goal, unspoken but even more obvious, is to unify and amplify the Canadian extreme right. As of today, February 19, Ottawa is still filled with protestors, many of whom have shown no signs of leaving.) On February 6, the city had put a state of emergency into place- police armed with sniper rifles seized supplies of fuel from protestors, and dismantled shelter structures that they had built. Ottawa police have also stated that there is American money behind the protests.
Ottawa police have been criticized for their lukewarm response to the protestors. It’s been reported that they hired an ‘elite crisis-management firm’ to handle their public messaging.
Now, the Ottawa police chief Peter Sloly, the former deputy chief of police of the Toronto Police Services, and the city’s first Black chief, has resigned. Diane Deans, the chair of the Ottawa police services board was also ousted. She says it’s because she disagreed with the mayor negotiating with the protesters in secret, using a former staffer for Premier Doug Ford as an intermediary.
The chief of the federal government has evoked the National Emergency Act, giving it special powers, especially around financial seizure of the bank accounts belonging to protesters and people donating to the protest. The police are in the middle of what could be a weekend-long stand-off to end the protest and remove the protesters.

(Photo: Kathleen Adamson)

Related reading
The ugly face of right-wing extremism in Canada September 2, 2021
Trumpism in Canada January 11, 2021
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