(August 20, 2020) Gail K. Picco Books, an imprint of Civil Sector Press is announcing, in a debut season, its Fall line-up with three books that it believes matches the times.
“Our mission is to focus on the social justice work that takes place in the charity sector,” says Gail K Picco. “And our Fall books will provide thoughtful and timely material for those seeking to take that journey with us.”
Collecting Courage: Joy, Pain, Freedom, Love edited by Nneka Allen, Camila Vital Nunes Pereira and Nicole Salmon, is a powerful and moving collection of personal experiences written by 15 Black fundraisers that chips away at the idea of an inherent goodness in the charitable sector.
“This book represents the beginning of a process to systematically catalogue and archive our stories,” say the editors, “so our voices are the ones that shape the narrative about our experiences. For those who can relate to the stories shared in the book, we hope they give you the courage to lean in and give voice to your experiences. For those committed to being allies and accomplices in dismantling barriers and championing a sector culture of belonging and reciprocity, we hope the book illuminates a path to action.”
The 100-Year PR Strategy: A Practical Guide for Advocates by Benjamin Miller challenges the conventional wisdom about how traditional communication strategies might be undermining their ability to make lasting change. Based on the insights of political historian Quentin Skinner and how ideological transformations have happened through history, The 100-Year PR Strategy is step-by-step guide to communicating in a way that transforms society.
Disconnect: Charity’s role in the age of inequality is Gail Picco’s follow-up to Cap in Hand. It goes beyond the charity sector to explore how communities—especially racialized and disenfranchised communities—are carving a path to justice and explores where charities fit into the development of a more equitable and re-imagined society.
“Gail Picco has been at the forefront of writing about charity dynamics in Canada,” says publisher Jim Hilborn. “Civil Sector Press is proud of the titles being published under Gail K Picco Books this year, books to help us understand the complex and changing dynamics in the charity sector, and the fast-moving changes in society at large.”