(October 25, 2021) Party at the End of the Patriarchy hosted by is a three-day conference online conference starting today, October 25, and continuing October 27 and October 29. You can sign up at any point during the week. The price is great. Register here. Scholarships are available.
“Let’s face it, this last year and a half has been rough,” says Treyz. “We need to imagine a more sustainable future because capitalism is LITERALLY killing us. Whether it’s wildfires, the pandemic, or police violence, everywhere we turn, we’re faced with the failure of our current system. Bottom line: We cannot fix something this broken! We need to begin again. What does that mean?”
Speakers include:
- Veronica Garcia of the Wealth Reclamation Academy of Practitioners
- Executive Director Kierra Sunae Taplin, Executive Director, Healing Footprints Foundation
- PK Mutch of Liisbeth magazine
Party at the End of the Patriarchy is being offering as a Refuge. “I want people to come back to their bodies, come back together, safely, and feel,” says Treyz, “I want people to learn how to get creative with new fundraising constraints too, but more than that, I want them to imagine and feel into the world we want.”
She says that’s why we have so many sessions on what it looks like to begin again.
“We’re fighting for the day we don’t have to fight anymore,” says organizer Mazarine Treyz. “What if we could deprogram our minds, our structures, our spirits to live outside patriarchy, white supremacy, capitalism? How would that look? What would that feel like? The first person who built an airplane had never seen an airplane. The first person who built a car had never seen a car. We are standing on the edge of a paradigm shift we can create together. We don’t have to fix the old systems. What if we made new ones? We can do this, if we can move beyond capitalist realism. But that takes courage and imagination. And that’s the joy at the end, and all the way through, our parties. We’re having another one in the spring so if you can’t make it to this one, come to that one.”
Sponsors of Party at the End of the Patriarchy are the Liisbeth Group, The CharityReport, Bloomerang, Veritas Group, and Stephen Thomas Limited.
Register here. Scholarships are available.
Related reading
Mazarine Treyz: What a woman can do September 5, 2020